HauntedProgrammer's Blog

A said strange person

[BZOJ 2906]颜色

HauntedProgrammer posted @ 2015年1月04日 14:48 in 未分类 , 1057 阅读



将这个颜色序列分成[tex]n^{\frac{1}{3}}[/tex]个块,每个块[tex]n^{\frac{2}{3}}[/tex]个数,预处理出[tex]ans[i][j][k][/tex](表示块[tex]i\rightarrow j[/tex]中,颜色[tex]1\rightarrow k[/tex]的答案)和[tex]cnt[i][j][k][/tex](表示块[tex]i\rightarrow j[/tex]中,颜色[tex]k[/tex]的个数)。这一步复杂度[tex]O(n^{\frac{5}{3}})[/tex]。



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#define MAXN 50005
#define MAXM 20005
#define MAXQ 50005
#define MAXB 40
#define BS 1400
long long ans[MAXB][MAXB][MAXM];
long long lastans=0;
int cnt[MAXB][MAXM],cntsum[MAXB][MAXB][MAXM],tcnt[MAXM],inds[MAXB];
int n,q,m,co[MAXN],bcnt=0;
inline bool is_between(int l,int x,int r){return (l<=x&&x<=r);}
int main()
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&co[i]);
    for(int i=1,ind=1;i<=n;i+=BS,ind++) inds[++bcnt]=i;
    for(int i=1;i<=bcnt;i++) for(int j=inds[i];j<=n&&j<inds[i]+BS;j++) cnt[i][co[j]]++;
    for(int i=1;i<=bcnt;i++)
        for(int j=i+1;j<=bcnt;j++) for(int k=1;k<=m;k++) cntsum[i][j][k]=cntsum[i][j-1][k]+cnt[j][k];
    for(int i=1;i<=bcnt;i++) for(int j=i;j<=bcnt;j++)
		for(int k=1;k<=m;k++) ans[i][j][k]=ans[i][j][k-1]+(long long)cntsum[i][j][k]*cntsum[i][j][k];
    long long l,r,a,b;
        long long lb=std::lower_bound(inds+1,inds+bcnt+1,l)-inds,rb=std::upper_bound(inds+1,inds+bcnt+1,r)-inds-1,aa=ans[lb][rb-1][b]-ans[lb][rb-1][a-1];
            for(int i=l;i<inds[lb];i++) aa+=is_between(a,co[i],b)?(cntsum[lb][rb-1][co[i]]<<1)+1:0,cntsum[lb][rb-1][co[i]]++;
            for(int i=inds[rb];i<=r;i++) aa+=is_between(a,co[i],b)?(cntsum[lb][rb-1][co[i]]<<1)+1:0,cntsum[lb][rb-1][co[i]]++;
            for(int i=l;i<inds[lb];i++) cntsum[lb][rb-1][co[i]]--;
            for(int i=inds[rb];i<=r;i++) cntsum[lb][rb-1][co[i]]--;
            for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) aa+=is_between(a,co[i],b)?(tcnt[co[i]]<<1)+1:0,tcnt[co[i]]++;
            for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) tcnt[co[i]]--;
    return 0;
Grade 5 Result dhaka 说:
2022年8月29日 06:04

Minister of Education, Bangladesh Mr. Nahid Hasan has announced this year PSC Result 2022 will be announced in the last week of December 2022 with the total or full mark sheet of the Primary School Certificate Exam, Grade 5 Result dhaka Board based on previous years schedule, once the official date is confirmed we will update here with timings.Previously this Prathomik Somaponi Result 2022 was announced on 30th or 31st December, and this year also announced same for the class 5th grade result with merit or toppers list asper regular GPA Marking schedule, and Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) has announced this year is very tough to conduct evaluation process to announce subject wise marks for Grade 5 terminal exams.

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